Some frogs, like the African reed frog, can change color to blend with their environment. This adaptation helps them evade predators and regulate their body temperature by switching from lighter to darker shades.
The skin of the golden poison dart frog contains enough toxin to kill 10 adult humans. Indigenous people have historically used their potent poison to tip their blow darts for hunting.
Frogs have varied diets. Some species of large frogs, like the African bullfrog, are known to eat birds, mammals, and other frogs. They have a voracious appetite and can consume prey as big as themselves.
Frogs are exceptional jumpers. The Australian rocket frog can leap over 50 times its body length in one jump, which would be akin to a human jumping the length of a football field.
Wood frogs can survive being frozen. Their bodies produce a natural antifreeze that prevents ice crystals from forming in their cells, allowing them to survive and resume normal activity when they thaw.
The Surinam toad has a unique reproductive process where the female lays eggs on her back, and the skin grows over them. The tadpoles develop in these pockets and eventually emerge
The male Darwin's frog carries the eggs in his vocal sac until they hatch. Once the tadpoles have grown, he regurgitates the young froglets into the water. This unique method of parental care helps protect the offspring
Frogs communicate using a variety of sounds. The croaks, chirps, and whistles are often used to attract mates or establish territory. The male túngara frog adds a "chuck" sound to his call to make it more attractive