Platypi, Australian mammals, secrete milk from their skin. Instead of having teats, they "sweat" milk from mammary glands. Young platypi lap up the milk from the skin.
Some mammals, like the star-nosed mole, can smell underwater. They exhale bubbles onto a surface, then inhale them back, detecting chemical changes to locate prey.
The red parasol moss, or Splachnum rubrum, exclusively grows on moose poop. This dung moss spreads its spores by attracting flies with a unique scent.
Certain plants and fungi attract insects by mimicking dead animals. This deception helps them lure insects that either pollinate them or help spread their spores.
The tentacled snake from Southeast Asia uses its facial tentacles to sense prey movements in the water. This unique adaptation helps it catch fish with precision.
Birds like the black-capped chickadee grow their hippocampus, the brain's memory center, by up to 30% in winter. This helps them remember food storage locations.
Male anglerfish are much smaller than females and attach to them, becoming parasites. They rely on the female for nutrients, a unique adaptation in the deep sea.